Servitium Christi is a Secular Institute in the Catholic Church. Membership is open to the LAY women who seek to live and share their Christian faith, in association with one another and to a basic rule of life, thus identifying themselves as a Christian Lay Community.
A programme of initial formation is provided in order to accompany candidates to a clearer discernment of their vocation, and to prepare them for the expression or personal commitment to the values and vision inspired by the Gospel, and expressed through the profession or the vows of evangelical poverty, celibacy and obedience.
Servitium Christi centres its life and spirituality on the Eucharist….celebration of the Memorial of the Lord’s passion, death and resurrection….and in the fostering of a life of both prayer and apostolic service in the Church and society.
The richness of the Eucharist, and the implications associated with its celebration lead to a heightened awareness of the PRESENCE of the Risen Christ in the Sacrament of his love and call for a response, both personal and communal, of PRAYER in the form of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: and SERVICE to others in Church and society. Participation in daily Eucharist and Eucharistic Adoration are important elements in the life and spirituality of the members of our Institute. Both serve to empower us for the faithful living of our commitments and in our daily work undertaken with love, cheerfulness and the conviction that it is our witness to Christ and our expression of love and care for all God’s people.
St Peter Julian Eymard who founded the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament also envisaged a community of consecrated lay people whose Eucharistic life would penetrate the world from within.
Inspired by St Peter Julian, Father Godfrey Spiekman SSS, brought the Secular Institute of Servitium Christi into existence in Holland in 1952. The Institute was approved by the Church in 1963, and since then has spread to Britain, Ireland, USA, South America, Europe and Australia and Vietnam.
Single lay women who feel called to a life dedicated to God in His world.
If you would like to know more about the institute of Servitium Christi, contact:
St. Francis’ Church
Pastoral Centre
326 Lonsdale Street
Phone : 9663 2495