r Anthony McSweeney SSS, an Australian Blessed Sacrament Father is currently a member of the community at St Francis’ in Melbourne. In addition to his ministry in the church, he also preaches retreats and gives talks and days of recollection.
Fr McSweeney joined the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament in 1960. He was ordained on 16 August 1969. Between 1969 and 1976 Fr McSweeney was involved in formation work and taught systematic theology at the first Consortium of its kind in Sydney at Turramurra, Sydney (comprising the Columban Missionaries, Benedictines, Vincentians and the Blessed Sacrament Congregation).
Fr McSweeney was elected to the General Council in Rome in 1976 and was elected Superior General and re-elected: 1981-1993; elected for a three-year term head of the Union of Superiors General, representing all the male religious Orders world-wide, he became ipso facto member of the Vatican Congregation for the Consecrated Life and Institutes of Apostolic Life for that time.
Fr McSweeney was awarded membership of the Order of Australia for service to the international community.
Between 1994 and 2008 Fr McSweeney conducted the Congregation’s Centre Eucharistia in Rome.
Fr McSweeney returned home to Australia in late 2008 and is currently engaged in ministry at St Francis’ in Melbourne. His main area of interest is a biblically based liturgical spirituality with particular attention to Eucharist.
Fr McSweeney is currently writing a commentary on the Congregation’s Rule of Life and is engaging in other research and in response to many requests is making some of his current work available.
Contact Fr McSweeney: TonyMcS@blessedsacrament.com.au