Meditating in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament
A time to be still, silent in the presence of the sacrament of the Risen Lord.
In our cities today this is not as easy as it was in years gone by due to the rise of vandalism and general security. If, however, your local parish has taken care of this reality and it is possible to spend time before the Eucharist, then why not step into the church. As you enter, take a place near the altar to avoid unnecessary distractions, sit down and just be still for a few moments. Let your breathing be slow and regular. Be still and silent and be open to the presence of the Lord.
Given a few moments of stillness, you may say, for example, “Here I am, Lord.” Your stillness and short prayer has been a silent meditation and prayer. Prayer and meditation is not ceaseless talking, but a gentle thinking of your concerns with short prayers of praise, thanksgiving, sorrow or petition. In these moments of mediation, heart speaks to Heart, soul speaks to Soul, mind acknowledges Mind and strength begs for the Strength of the Lord.
Once again meditation and prayer is not a feverish activity but a gentle mindfulness enjoying the peace of the Presence of the Risen Lord. Do not be afraid of silence as your attention is on the Lord and in this gazing, heart truly speaks to Heart and the Lord accepts the silent gazing and wordless communication.
If, however, you feel the need to express something of how you are or feel, then short phrases from our responses at Mass may be of benefit to us. Let us quote some that speak volumes in a few words. Choose one or two and read them slowly and allow the inspired words to find a place in your heart.
I am the Bread of Life.
I am the living bread come down from heaven.
Whoever eats this bread with live forever.
This is my Body. This is my Blood.
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose.
He revives my drooping spirit.
Come to ME all you who labour and are over- burdened.
I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have called you, taking pity on you.
St. Thomas Aquinas: Eucharistic Antiphon
O Sacred Banquet,
In which Christ is received,
The memory of his passion is recalled,
The mind is filled with grace
and a pledge of future glory is given.
As the time of prayer comes to an end, give thanks to the Lord and quietly leave, praising the Lord who has given you the gift of faith, hope and love.
Quiet times for prayer at St. Francis’ Melbourne are as follows:-
Monday to Friday
Between 9.00 – 11.00am and 1.30 – 5.30pm
8.30 – 11.00am
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